Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Final

For the final I decided to expand upon the rocket that I used in my midterm. At the end of the rocket's journey, at the point when it hits the ground, I made it explode using a 3-d fluid effects container. This allows for a large realistic explosion. Also, to make the scene seem more real, I had the ground look like sand rather than just the color brown. The nurbs sphere that surrounds the scene, used as the sky, was also made to look like it had clouds. The sand and sky looks were created by finding images on Google and then uploading the file into Maya. Then the skins were dragged onto the corresponding shape. Also, the camera angle being used in the render was changed to make it impossible to see where the ground ends to create a more realistic feel.

Self Evaluation: I think I really expanded my knowledge of dynamics with my particles and the 3-d fluid container that I used for the explosion. I think overall I did a good job of creating an interesting scene that has a very "explosive" conclusion. I think I may have been able to create a more thorough environment with trees or hills or mountains or something.

Images of these things will come soon enough when my computer decides that it wants to cooperate.

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